Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hello Blogging World

After many MANY nights spent stalking looking through many teacher's fabulous blogs for creative and engaging activities to try out with my firsties I am inspired to start one of my own.  Not that I will be able to live up to the creativity of most of you (Cara Carroll...Babbling Abby HOLY MOLY GUACAMOLE inspiring!).  I have to admit, it is my first year in first grade (previously have taught Kindergarten and 3rd...and I AM BEYOND PUMPED TO BE BACK WITH THE LITTLE ONES!) and if I dare to post any of my classroom activities it will look like collective teaching efforts of Cara, Abby, Rachelle, and Deanna in my classroom.  *seriously* 

I am also starting up a little TpT store. Not so that I can make enough money so that I can be a future stay at home mom (I can dream, right!?) but rather so that I can continue to afford to purchase all these fabulously-amazing activities for my classroom.  I am worried the future Mr. isn't going to be too thrilled with this shopping habit in addition to all my other shopping addictions. (but is it really my fault NY&Co ALWAYS has *amazing* deals!?) sigh.

Any-who I am crossing my fingers and toes that SOMEONE will read this so I can start linking up and gain even more inspiration from all you wonderful fabulous teachers!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging! I am so happy to be your very first follower...WAHOO!!! =)

    I am also overwhelmed by all of the fabulous bloggers out there. They help make me a better teacher and so I am so grateful for each one of them.

    Let me know if you ever need any help. =)

    Hop over and visit me when you get the chance. I am a 1st grade teacher too! =)

    Heather's Heart
